Resolution of Faith: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Assembly Action CA99.06.30 (1999)
WHEREAS, coal and mineral mining corporations have removed entire mountain tops and filled valleys with unreclaimed debris in the Appalachian areas of West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, and Ohio; and
WHEREAS, mountain-top removal/valley-fill strip mining wounds the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of people in nearby communities; and
WHEREAS, mountain-top removal/valley-fill strip mining harms the economic and social livelihood of Applachain peoples; and
WHEREAS, mountain-top removal/valley-fill strip mining injures the environment and upsets the ecological balance by polluting streams and rivers, exacerbating soil erosion and displacing plant, animal and human life; and
WHEREAS, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has adopted a social statement, “Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice;” and
WHEREAS, several ELCA synods within Appalachia have adopted resolutions condemning mountain-top removal/valley-fill strip mining; therefore be it
Resolved, that the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, through its Division for Church in Society, convey its concerns about mountain-top removal/valley-fill strip mining, including a copy of this resolution, to the United States Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, and appropriate congressional committees; and be it further
Resolved, that the Division for Church in Society encourage regions, synods, congregations, and members to contact national and state legislators and prompt them to enact legislation that promotes deep mining rather than strip mining; develops alternative energy resources that do not require cheap coal; and requires land reclamation that renews the environment and restores ecological balance; and be it further
Resolved, that the Division for Church in Society provide regions, synods, and congregations with current progress reports and timely direction for needed action that serves further abatement of mountain-top removal/valley-fill strip mining; and be it further
Resolved, to refer this resolution to the Division for Church in Society, and ask that the division prepare a report to the Evangelical Lutheran Coalition for Ministry in Appalachia for its spring 2001 assembly.
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