Resolve to Fight Mountaintop Removal in 2014
Five years ago the Obama Administration made a promise to the American people to address the impacts of mountaintop removal coal mining, yet the destruction of Appalachia continues on a daily basis.
This year we need to make sure our voices are heard across the country. We need to raise awareness in our communities to those who have never heard of mountaintop removal, we need to write to our newspapers and voice our concerns, we need to see the issues discussed in our schools.
Ways you can take action
- Recruit 10 friends to join iLoveMountains
- Give Financially to support our work
- Write a letter to the editor about mountaintop removal
- Attend events in Appalachia and DC this spring and summer
- Pass a resolution in your local faith congregation
- Pass a town council resolution opposing MTR
- Organize an event in your community on mountaintop removal
Pass a resolution opposing mountaintop removal in your community
- Faith Resolutions: Seven national faith denominations have passed resolutions and hundreds of local congregations have passed resolutions as well!
[ Click here to learn more ] - Town Resolutions: Organize your community to pass a resolution in your town council. This can be a simple way to educate your community and get local media about mountaintop removal! [ Click here to learn more ]
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