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The High Cost of Coal
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 What's My Connection to Mountaintop Removal?


There were no mines found for this power plant



CONNECTION SUMMARY: This facility supplies coal from Central Appalachian strip mines. Of the Appalachian communities featured on this site, the one most closely connected to this power plant is Sundial, West Virginia

INTERACTIVE MAP: Click on any of the icons representing communities impacted by mining near this facility to read stories and see photos of the impacts on this community. Use the map controls to zoom in and out to see the impact of the mines on the landscape and on nearby communities.

View power plants which have purchased coal from this mine in Google Earth


, operated by , located near , .

One of 22 Appalachian communities featured on this site. The nearest community to the facility is Sundial, West Virginia.


The controls on the top left of the map allow you to zoom in closer to the ground or back out to get a broader perspective. Even easier, though, is to navigate with the "hand" tool. Clicking and dragging on the map will move the map in the same direction, double-clicking on a point will center the map on that point and zoom you in a little closer, and double clicking with the right mouse button (ctrl-click for macintosh users) to center on a point and zoom out.

Appalachian Voices  •  Coal River Mountain Watch  •   Heartwood  •  Keeper of the MountainsKentuckians for the Commonwealth 

Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition  •   Statewide Organizing for Community eMpowermentSierra Club Environmental Justice

Southern Appalachian Mountain Stewards  •   SouthWings  •  Stay Project  •   West Virginia Highlands Conservancy

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Site produced by Appalachian Voices 589 West King St, Boone, NC 28607 ~ 1-877-APP-VOICE (277-8642) ~