What's My Connection to Mountaintop Removal?


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there are no plans to update this data, notice will be given here and on the methodology page should an update occur.

The price of your power: Bob White, West Virginia

"No child - or adult, for that matter - should have to endure this constant hell." - Maria Gunnoe, resident of Bob White, WV

Mountain near Wharton / Island Creek Mountain


Maria's family home place was once a lush green paradise of fruit trees, vegetable gardens and a mountain stream. The forests were full of wildlife, medicinal plants, and wild berries. Now this treasure has been passed down to her children as a pile of rubble, poisoned streams and wells, and air that is thick with blasting fumes and dust. "My children will never know the beauty, culture or heritage that the generations before them intended on passing on to them." Read more.

You are connected to mountaintop removal. Your electricity provider, Nobles Cooperative Electric, buys coal from companies engaged in mountaintop removal

The story of Bob White, West Virginia, is one of many that are connected to the power plants on your grid, which are marked on the map below.

The mountaintop removal mines shown in red are connected to the nearest coal power plant on your grid: Barry, operated by Alabama Power Co.

Click on the mine symbols to take a closer look in Google Maps, or click here for a detailed explanation.

Want to Break Your Connection?

1.  Join the 132,446 people that have already
       pledged to help end mountaintop removal.

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2. Ask your Senators and Representative to support
   legislation to end mountaintop removal coal mining.

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4.  Buy Green Power.  CLICK HERE to find
        Green Power Programs
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View your connection in Google Earth (KML)


The closest power plant on your grid that is connected to mountaintop removal: Barry, operated by Alabama Power Co

Coal suppliers to your grid that are not mountaintop removal mines, but which are owned by companies that operate mountaintop removal mines in Appalachia

Mountaintop removal mines that are connected to your power grid


Click any power plant to see how it is connected to mountaintop removal or any mine symbol to get a close-up view of that mine. The controls on the top left of the map allow you to zoom in closer to the ground or back out to get a broader perspective. Even easier, though, is to navigate with the "hand" tool. Clicking and dragging on the map will move the map in the same direction, double-clicking on a point will center the map on that point and zoom you in a little closer, and double clicking with the right mouse button (ctrl-click for macintosh users) to center on a point and zoom out.

Explain My Connection


There is a total of 0 coal-fired power plant on this grid that is connected to mountaintop removal. Following are details on how it is connected to mountaintop removal.

If Nobles Cooperative Electric is not the company that sends your electric bill, please CLICK HERE to select your electric provider from a list.

You may also find your electricity provider in the following list of all utilities:

If your electric provider is not on these lists, please notify us