Resolve to shake things up in 2014
Wednesday, January 8th, 2014
Each new year we are given a moment to reflect on the past year as well as consider what we want to accomplish going forward. Some of us diligently write down resolutions or share them loved ones, for others it is a less conscious process.
Regardless of which approach you take, this year I am asking that you make a personal resolution to take action in your community to end mountaintop removal.
2014 marks the five year anniversary of the Obama Administration’s promise to the American people to address the impacts of mountaintop removal coal mining. And while we have achieved small victories during that time, blasting continues on a daily basis, toxic coal mining waste continues being dumped into critical headwater streams, and Appalachian communities continue to suffer.
This year we need to make sure our voices are heard across the country. Regardless of where you live, we need to raise awareness in our communities and reach people who have never heard of mountaintop removal coal mining.
Will you resolve increase your commitment to fighting mountaintop removal in 2014?
We have lots of ideas of how you might do that and I’m sure you have many more. Resolve to act now and together lets make 2014 the biggest year yet in the fight to end mountaintop removal coal mining!
January 9th, 2014 at 10:20 pm
I will continue to fight mountain top removal coal mining whenever and wherever I can. Too much has already been sacrificed and this practice must be stopped.