Contributed Prayers
Tuesday, August 21st, 2007
Submitted by Carole Madan, “Momma Nature”, An evangelical Christian who has been saving native environments for 40 years.
Please forgive us for allowing the desecration of Your holy mountains.
Send a message to our children and grandchildren that we will stop blasting of mountain tops in the name of greed.
Let us be strong in the knowledge that You want us to be active in our prayers, lives, churches, temples and synagogues to bring Light to the dark evil that takes joy in making money from killing what we love.
Our air, water and soil is being killed even as we stand and watch. We will come together as one to speak for the trees, streams and future generations who need our voice.
Thank you for the beauty and magnificence of our natural world. Give all who feel Your love the strength to carry on and let your Angels surround us and keep us protected.