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The High Cost of Coal
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Urge the Federal Highways Administration to consider the full impact of the Coalfields Expressway

Submit your comment to urge the Federal Highways Administration to fully evaluated the environmental impacts of the Coalfields Expressway.

For the past two and half years, citizen activists have successfully prevented the construction of the Coalfields Expressway, a mountaintop removal coal mine masquerading as a road project. We flooded state and federal agencies with tens of thousands of petitions. We rallied outside their offices. And they listened.

Because of you, the Federal Highways Administration is conducting an environmental review before determining the fate of the “Strip-Mine Expressway.”

But they need to hear from you. Take Action and demand Federal Highways study all of the alternatives and include the full consequences of mountaintop removal coal mining on the health of our communities, water and local economies.

Appalachian Voices  •  Coal River Mountain Watch  •   Heartwood  •  Keeper of the MountainsKentuckians for the Commonwealth 

Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition  •   Statewide Organizing for Community eMpowermentSierra Club Environmental Justice

Southern Appalachian Mountain Stewards  •   SouthWings  •  Stay Project  •   West Virginia Highlands Conservancy

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