Celebrating our 10th anniversary in Washington, D.C.
Thursday, May 26th, 2016
Come celebrate and enjoy live music, a silent auction and fundraiser, homemade Appalachian-inspired food and drinks, and a walk down memory lane!
The Alliance for Appalachia was formed in 2006 with the goals of ending mountaintop removal coal mining, halting other destructive coal technologies, and creating a just and sustainable Appalachia. We are a coalition of grassroots groups from across Appalachia, and you’ve seen our struggles and victories pass through your inbox hundreds of times over the years.
Time and again, you’ve offered the vital support needed to win important victories to protect our mountains. Now we want to thank you! You’re invited to our 10th Anniversary party in Washington, D.C., during our “Protect Our Water, Reclaim Our Future” lobby trip.
When: Tuesday, June 7 — 6 – 9:00 p.m.
Where: Stewart Mott House — 122 Maryland Ave NE, Washington, D.C. 20002
RSVP for the event on Facebook and share the page with your friends! Not on Facebook? You can learn more about the event on our website.
We are also having a celebration for our volunteers and members in Central Appalachia. If you can’t make it to D.C., or want to celebrate with us again, come to Hindman, Ky., on July 13th!
Can’t join us? We’ll sure miss seeing you. But you can still be a part of the action by donating to help support our next 10 years of taking action for the people and mountains of Appalachia.