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Join our Letter to the Editor Campaign
Thursday, June 20th, 2013
Citizens across the United States are submitting letters to the editor to their local newspaper urging their congressional representatives to co-sponsor the Clean Water Protection Act (H.R. 1837).As constituents, it is our responsibility to ensure that our voice is heard by our representatives in Congress; when we make such requests publicly, our actions become extremely powerful.
Through our letter to the editor campaign, we are providing activists with a tool to educate their communities about the injustice of mountaintop removal and the valley fills that pollute water and bury Appalachian headwater streams.
To see one of this week’s letters click here.
Please contact to join the campaign and submit a letter to your local newspaper. The more letters we submit, the more support for the Clean Water Protection we will generate, bringing us closer to breaking our connection to dirty mountaintop removal coal mining.
June 20th, 2013 at 2:22 pm
I am against mountaintop removal coal mining …It is right stop all stripping .. and fracking !!!!
Sonya Dee W. Stanley
June 20th, 2013 at 9:49 pm
Support the Clean Water Act. Don’t disappoint everyone by letting big corporations run the show in this country. If you care at all, you will support this bill. Don’t be concerned that if you vote for this act, that you may not get someone’s endorsement or get their campaign money if you choose to run for reelection.
Please support this act. Look around at the destruction of the mountains. Don’t believe what the coal companies say. They aren’t able to rehabilitate a mountain once the top has been blown off. They will never be the same again. What they plant isn’t indigenous and that matters a great deal. And that’s not even what they did to the water wells. Would you buy a home near one of these mountains and raise YOUR children there? Do what is right and just for our country. Please. Be brave. Be strong. Vote for the RIGHT thing for ALL of us and don’t worry about the lobbyists. Don’t. If they stop supporting you there will always be another lobbyist to support you for something else. Do the right thing. If you think of yourself as a smart, educated person, support the clean water protection act. If you don’t, then you are greedy and vote based on money and money only.
Stand tall. Think smart. Be brave. Do the right thing.
Please don’t tell me you didn’t support it because of any of the following excuses:
1. We need to study and research this bill more. EXCUSE. You are buying time and don’t want to put your name on the dotted line.
2. I voted against because there was a line item on the act for something else that has nothing to do with the clean water protection act, like a Congressman in X state wants $1 billion for a pet project. EXCUSE. Don’t let the crap ride on this bill and you shouldn’t put anything else there to prevent passage either.
3. It will cost a gazillion dollars and it will raise the debt and taxes across the board. EXCUSE. BULL. Don’t want to hear it. FIND THE MONEY THEN!!!!! We pay for almost everything else in the entire world, so how about a little stays here in U.S.A. and we protect our environment.
4. Research doesn’t show that blowing off the tops of mountains that have been there since the start of time, causes a problem for anything or anyone. RIGHT. SURE. It’s unnatural and you aren’t a ignorant person so don’t go there.
Ok I could go on and on but I’m tired. Do the right thing.
STAND TALL!!!!!!!!!
Tired, Fed Up, Discouraged, Angry Tax Paying U.S. Citizen who wants passage of the Clean Water Protection Act HR 1837
Liz Brosch
303 South Drive
Blackwood, NJ 08012