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Celebrities are Getting the Word Out!

Sunday, February 18th, 2007

Actors Leonardo DiCaprio, Daryl Hannah, and Woody Harrelson, as well as singer Sheryl Crow and activist Michael Moore are helping us spread the word about mountaintop removal by featuring iLoveMountains on their websites. They are joining thousands of other supporters across the nation in lifting the cloak of secrecy that has allowed coal companies to destroy over 470 mountains, and counting.

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12 Responses to “Celebrities are Getting the Word Out!”

  1. Karen Zerkel Says:

    I live in Winchester VA and work in Charles Town WV, one of the poorest states in the country. It is also one of the most effected states when it comes to this type of mining. No one put up a fight in VA or WV when the ban on this type 0f mining was lifted, b/c it created jobs, and I am ashamed that I don’t know how this legislature passed without anyone noticing, or putting up a fight. All of their mts will be flattened and the valleys filled in a short time. Who knows what that will do. What these states need is someone looking for new ways to employ people without having to mine the mts that they have desimated for years. Why isn’t someone looking for a real employment solution, instead of just creating jobs that didn’t help the state 20 years ago. I hope people understand that as our President speaks of finding alternative fuel sources, he is the one responsible for ruining WV mts, and that was years ago, what other bills passed that we don’t know about that hurt the environment? I’d love to talk to people that know how to make an actual impact, Karen Zerkel

  2. milton aliff Says:

    Today i email;ed every major news station on cable repeatedly, some were titled buried alive, war in wv, hidden truths about coal and energy, . Would you send your kids to school here? Dont know if ot will do any good but I am trying. Even the people who live in these counties have no concept at what scale this is happening. If this was happening to the rain forest people would know about it.

  3. frances hirsch Says:

    as a nurse i am very concerned about the quality &

    availability of our water supply. we cannot live

    without it

  4. Raven Says:

    As an anthropologist, I find it abhorrent that these companies are getting away with these atrocities. I’m glad to see celebrities getting involved. Why aren’t the major news companies keeping tabs on this? We all know the answer to that one. It is up to every thinking and feeling American to do something to help prevent even more damage.
    By the way, I’ve lived around the globe and I can honestly say that this would not happen in any place I have lived. Can you just imagine what the Europeans would do if they tried to do this to the Alps or the Tetra Mountains? I can’t speak for the Urals. Might be interesting to see what is happening to them.
    I’m now convinced that those coal mine disasters a few years ago in WV were not “accidents”.

  5. Raven Says:

    Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
    –Margaret Mead

    Thoughtless groups of citizens can wreck havoc on the environment and peoples.i.e., WWII or the Iraq War– Raven.

    There is no right way to do the wrong thing.”Mom

    When the Universe is Crying Out for Justice, What Will YOU Do?”Raven

  6. painter Says:

    most of the times i do think that the reversal to the situation that we find ourselves in the the beggining of 21th century is very simple:lets question our consumers lifestyles and lets be honest about how much of the trash we buy we really tryly need!if many people wake up to the reality of life and death then they were definately not pursue happiness through consumerism.if people try to maintain rather then replace constantly,then they can slowly stop the ‘technological progress’and influence the big cooperation that exists only because people are convinced that they need their products to be happy. in a consumerists society if a demand drops down-production drops down,if production drops down then the damage to the planet drops down.and if profit is lost then there is nobody to sponsor wars and industries that support the destruction of human kind.

  7. FRances Normoyle Says:

    This brings to mind the question…”What are we fighting for?” This awful war, the lies from the gov’t and politicians? The subterfudge is like an endless sea of smoke screen after smoke screen. It blinds us. Can’t we see what is really happening here? We all must take heed. Talk is cheap; we have to get off our asses and do something about this. It is really up to us. This home recycling that they have us doing is all well and good, but it is just a smoke screen to keep us occupied while we forget to ask the real questions. Questions like , “What makes it right for you to rape the very “Mother ” that gives you life; when what you are raping her for is one of the very things that is killing us…..??????????? “COAL”…..Fossil Fuel!
    Can we take the people living in these depressed areas, who need to survive and put them to work doing something progressive? Is this the only answer…what we are doing now? I think NOT! If you think that organized change would be difficult; think about how difficult it will be to get the grains, produce and meats to eat in the future. Especially if you are a city dweller and you have no way of raising livestock or growing food. You will be screwed when those times arrive. And arrive they will. You’ll wish you took up basket weaving in High School shop class so you might have a basket to fill with the sustainance you find from your daily forage. Most of us don’t have the basic skills or knowledge to survive in a more hostile world. You are just cajoling yourselves into believing all this technology is going to lead to a “Better” life. I suppose it all depends on what most of us consider, better! We are not the only country pouring toxins into the atmosphere. What about China…..EEEEKKK! My heart is crying and I am alarmed by the putrification of mankind. This place is a mess. It makes me sick to think I have been part of it. I hope when my energies move on from this body, I will be redeemed. By the way…I can weave a basket,raise and milk a cow, plant a seed,raise chickens and sew. You better be ready, y’all !!

  8. Tena McKelvin Says:

    I’m here to tell you of another mountain tragedy that is taking place at such a rate that it is almost impossible to do anything about it. I’m a native of Western North Carolina and I am disgusted with living here. I never thought I would feel this way. In the past 10 to 12 years $$ developers $$ have BOUGHT the mountains, BOUGHT every bit of farm land they can get there hands on, BOUGHT land that has our best fishing streams and water supply on them, BOUGHT forests that have virgin timber and ancient coves with waterfalls,……..all to build multi-million dollar homes in gated communities. At first it was folks from Atlanta or South who wanted a summer home. Then it was the retired population from Florida. This wasn’t too bad at first because they all left within a few weeks to a few months and didn’t come back till the next summer. Now it’s people from California and all in between……and they’re staying! Our towns have disappeared along with the mountains. Our way of life is no more. The taxes have gone so high that we Appalachians can’t afford them. We hardly see the wildlife that we all shared this land with. It has altered everything. The traffic is terrible. Exhaust! Every fall when the leaves drop you can see all the grading away that was done to the mountains that summer,all the roads cut in and all the new construction of houses that are so large three families could live in one. It’s terrible. The worst part is that these people have no respect for the mountains and all they hold. Only a handful of properties did our state step in and purchase for a state park, the rest was left for the developers. Once our mountains are full they will head to Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginias……they don’t care. All they are interested in is $ ! As the climate gets warmer… people will head to the mountains.

  9. David A Says:

    I don’t live there, yet I am appalled and dismayed at what is happenning. I am familiar with the Appalachian heritage and music… and it is darn purty country… so for what it’s from an Australian downunder, I’m with you guys, at least in spirit and thought… this environmental pillaging needs to be stopped… in my small effort to help, I have posted links and information for this issues on my web site//blog and have also contacted others in the USA I connect with via different sites I am a member of… TC4N and all the best to get this rot to stop. Jeeze you folks have some real sicko people running your country’s affairs!

  10. Mike Blackwood Says:

    I just read about “mountain top removal mining” in the Independant(English national daily). The sadness and anger rose in me. There is NO excuse for this. The lame excuse that it provides jobs for people who refused to pay attention in school is bulls**t! Get them back to college and teach them how to rig solar panels, windmills and inverters on a local non-grid basis! Strip the damned industry bosses and politicians of all income over$40,000. Invest that money in schools and alt tech.This planet is waking from her slumber and will wipe the human race out like so many fleas if we dont LOOK at our pompous greed driven lives!! Sorry to rant folks but we gotta do something now! Love to you all and good luck. Mike B

  11. Patrick Says:

    Call Today and let your senators and representatives know what you believe! We must take all actions neede to stop this assualt on our rights as citizens and this goes directly to holding folks accountable!

  12. Patrick Says:

    I’m in complete agreement w/ Tina McKelvin’s entry from jully ’06! It is absolutely horrendous what these domestic terrorist have done to the small cmmunities and lifestyles via development and taxes! The local and state politicians should be the second group bannished, drawn and quartered! What has/is happened is a “crime against nature”.

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