Comments on: David W. Orr: The Carbon Connection END MOUNTAINTOP REMOVAL COAL MINING IN APPALACHIA! Wed, 22 Aug 2007 15:28:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mitchell McAleer Wed, 22 Aug 2007 15:28:47 +0000 Sir, I am looking into facts regarding the mountaintop removal coal mining operations in Appalachia, and composing a letter to my congressman in opposition to continueing policies of destruction to the environment for cheap electrical power and the profit of the few, at the expense of the many long term local residents. I read above the land is privately owned by corporations for example the Pocohontas Land Co.
Please provide me with information regarding the process and policies of ownership of the land, I feel this is a key aspect of our ability as constituents to influence public servants to act, to demand accountability and remediation from the federal government if action at the state level has failed.
As a separate comment, I urge you to investigate the falacy of global warming caused by human contribution to atmospheric CO2. Simple facts jump out at me when I have looked into the ideas presented. Water vapor contributes 95 percent of greenhouse gas effect, total CO2 contribution is less than 5 percent, human contribution to CO2 is less than 0.3% of total greenhouse effect. Mars is also warming. At no time have I ever read any correlation of earth’s warming trend to Mar’s, and there is evidence available concerning other aspects of human activity have been misrepresented as corroborating evidence, for example, melting snow on Kilamanjaro. Deforestation is a likely cause of drier air in the region, and is likely a larger factor in local change in snow cover than global industrial emissions. The science of measuring human contribution to global climate change is too young and too short term to logicaly raise such alarm and call for political intervention. I warn you that involving our government in this policy decision is a mistake, corruption profiteering and mass media manipulation for the profit of the few is the inevitable result, with the children and grandchildren of the lower class of American left footing the bill for these arrogant follies, very much the same future as the residents of Appalachia, see how well the federal and state governments have protected their constituents against coal mining and energy production interests.

M. McAleer

By: Ruth Vandersall Thu, 21 Dec 2006 19:27:27 +0000 Please keep this information coming. I am a Green Energy
Ohio member in Wayne County. I am planning to use your
information with our Lightbulb Box. We will add your info
to our posters of facts. We take the Lightbulb Box to
organizations and give demonstration talks. It has a row
of four incandescent bulbs and a row of four CFL’s, a
meter showing amount of electricity used, and an electric
meter. We are working with the Change a Light; Change the
World campaign.
Come to our Sustainable Energy Festival Sat. March 3, 2007
at The Wilderness Center, Wilmot.
