Comments on: Senator Byrd Responds to Questions on Next Steps, Massey, Marsh Fork Elementary END MOUNTAINTOP REMOVAL COAL MINING IN APPALACHIA! Tue, 13 Apr 2010 14:43:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stephen Aylestock Sat, 10 Apr 2010 16:21:50 +0000 It is simple, it cost money to stop and fix items of violation, regardless of the magnitude of the problem. Massey and all others do not care about anything except their bottom line. The miners need jobs, they don’t want to see the mines closed, they get paid by the hour.
I have heard recently, from some government official, that miners are paid so well that they are in the upper middle class. I know that this is not true. West Virginia does not have many other jobs available for their people, it’s time to come up with better ways to use a great labor force of West Virginians.
The mountains a beautiful, something that many other states and areas, don’t have. Save the beauty of the Mountain State. Stop the rape of the land and it’s people, now, before it’s to late.
